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Navegación de vistas de Evento


Community Lunch

Stop eating at your desk. Contributing a different ingredient and coming together to cook a meal, our weekly community lunch has become legendary. Like dinner with your family- but with less arguments and more brilliant ideas having sex.

Test Event 2

Impact Hub NYC

Whether you have a 9-5 gig and innovation is your side-hustle or you simply work better at night.




Test Event 3

Impact Hub NYC

“100 Days of Impact” is 100 days of free workshops running

Community lunch

Community lunch is a weekly slow food event hosted by one of our fellow members, Barbara Schöllenbergeroffer, where she offers organic lunches with regionally produced veggies. Brown bag lunch guests are also welcome. Just pop in at the upstairs lunch table at 12:30 and share a meal and conversations with the rest of the community!

Organiza tus Proyectos Con Trello – Taller Gratuito

Impact Hub Managua Carretera Masaya km 4.5, Centro de Innovación FZT, Managua, Nicaragua

Reserva tu boleto aquí  Si estabas buscando una solución para controlar y acelerar el progreso de tus proyectos, o para organizarte de una vez por todas con tu equipo aunque […]


Organize your Projects With Trello – Free Workshop

Impact Hub Managua Carretera Masaya km 4.5, Centro de Innovación FZT, Managua, Nicaragua

Reserva tu boleto aquí  If you were looking for a solution to control and accelerate the progress of your projects, or to organize once and for all with your team […]